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Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010
- History of IAAS Local Committee Diponegoro University
IAAS Local Committee Diponegoro University (LC-Undip) was accepted as candidate member IAAS Indonesia in 2006. The people who propose founding IAAS LC-Undip, Arlies Meta Nugraha and he was presented about LC Undip by email and cyber meeting. In 2007 this status changed into full-member. After those the delegation return from Bogor, Undip did a simple regeneration when Hadha Senoutomo had been elected to be the first LCD IAAS LC-Undip. Then IAAS LC-Undip held Pra IOP I and IOP I to attract new candidate member of IAAS LC - Undip.
Department in IAAS LC-Undip
Executive Committee (EC) are the main element in IAAS Local committee, it consist of three students who has been elected and appointed by the Local Committee Conference (LCC) as the
1. Local committee Director (LCD),
2. Deputy Local Director (DLD), and
3. Executive Secretary (ES).
Under Executive Committee there are three departments;
1. Exchange Program Department (Expro),
2. Human and Resources Department (HRD), and
3. Project Department (Project).
In doing their program Local Committee will be controlled by Control Committee of Local Committee (CCLC).
- Working Programs of IAAS Local Committee Diponegoro University
Working Programs of IAAS LC-Undip in 2009 – 2010 are:
1. Outbound will happen on July 2009.
2. IAAS Orientation Program (IOP) III will be happen on September 2009.
3. Building On Success I (BOS) will be happen on October 2009.
4. IAAS Goes to Faculty
5. English Speech Contest will be happen on December 2009.
6. TOEFL Test and preparation
7. Sending delegation for IAAS World Congress, Exchange program
8. Sending delegation for IAAS National Congress
Programs has been happened in IAAS LC – Undip for two years are:
1. IAAS LC-Undip has two hosting place in Semarang. There are BIB (Balai Inseminasi Buatan) Ungaran and PBIAT (Pembenihan dan Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar) Ambarawa. These place could be used to Research and study work.
2. IAAS LC-Undip have sent delegation to National Congress XII, XIII, XIV and XV in Bogor, Kendari, Semarang and Malang.
3. IAAS LC-Undip have performed IOP (IAAS Orientation Program) and BOS (Building On Success) I for two years.
4. IAAS LC-Undip be host of National Congress XIV 2009.
5. IAAS LC-Undip have conducted thrice LCC.
The next generation residing in hand all of you. So, let’s join in
- Keberadaan IAAS Indonesia
IAAS Indonesia merupakan suatu organisasi bagi mahasiswa agrokompleks yang memfasilitasi pertukaran ilmu dan pengalaman, baik di tingkat lokal, nasional, maupun internasional.
IAAS Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari 40 negara anggota dari IAAS, yang merupakan organisasi mahasiswa agrokompleks terbesar di dunia.
IAAS berdiri atas dasar keinginan untuk membangun ketahanan pangan di seluruh dunia.
IAAS Indonesia bergabung menjadi anggota IAAS, diawali dengan keikutsertaan dalam world congress IAAS di Thailand pada tahun 1991, kemudian resmi menjadi anggota IAAS Internasional pada tahun 1992 di World Congress IAAS di Belgia.
Keanggotaan IAAS Indonesia
Keanggotaan IAAS Indonesia bersifat anggota kelembagaan, sedangkan anggota individu berada di bawah koordinasi local committee.
LC Institut Pertanian Bogor, LC Universitas Brawijaya, LC Universitas Padjajaran, LC Universitas Haluoleo, LC Universitas Diponegoro dan LC Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret. Dengan anggota individu kurang lebih sebanyak 400 orang.
Bentuk Organisasi
Kebijakan umum IAAS Indonesia mengikuti IAAS Internasional namun juga memiliki pedoman rumah tangga sebagai pedoma operasional. Bentuk organisasi IAAS Indonesia adalah struktural fungsional, dengan sistem kepemimpinan non-kolektif. Dengan kekuasaan tertinggi di bawah national congress, sedangkan untuk operasional kekuasaan tertinggi dipegang oleh National Committee (NC), yang diketuai oleh National Director (ND). Sedangkan di tingkat LC (Local Committee), kekuasaan tertinggi dipegang oleh Local Committee Director (LCD).
- Kegiatan IAAS Indonesia
Kegiatan yang pernah dilakukan
1. Asia Pacific Regional Meeting I, dan Seminar Internasional “Sustainable Agriculture System and Its Impact on Environment in Asia Pacific” pada tahun 1992.
2. Seminar Nasional “Indonesia farmer in the 21st century” pada tahun 1993 di LC IPB.
3. Working camp “Potential of youth farmer” pada tahun 1994 di LC IPB.
4. Tuan rumah the 39th IAAS World Congress dan Seminar Internasional “Tropical Agriculture in the Global Market” pada tahun 1996 di LC IPB dan Unpad.
5. Asia Pacific Regional Meeting II dan Seminar Internasional “Agriculture Policy: An Asia Pacific Perspective; Towards the New Millenium” pada tahun 2000.
6. The 45th IAAS World Congress dan Seminar Internasional “Agribusiness; Now and Then” pada tahun 2002
7. Asia Pasifik Regional Meeting III, “Agriculture in Globalization” pada tahun 2005.
Kegiatan Rutin di Tingkat:
Internasional: World Congress, General Assembly, Regional Meeting, Exchange Programme.
Nasional: National Congress, ExProNas, Village Concept Project.
Lokal: IAAS orientation Programme (IOP), Building On Success (BOS), English Club, Mandarin, France and Japan Class, Dioscuss Group, Tractor Training.
Kegiatan yang akan diselenggarakan:
1. National Congress XV tahun 2010 di LC Universitas Brawijaya.
2. Tuan Rumah 53rd World Congress dan Seminar Internasional “the Power of Local Resources to Support Food, Energy and Trade” pada tahun 2010.
Executive Committee 2009 – 2010
National Director :
Hafiz Iqbal Maulana (LC UB)
Vice Director of Exchange:
Jihan (LC Unhalu)
Vice Director of Partnership:
Prima (LC IPB)
Vice Director of Finance:
Lina (LC UB)
Vice Director of Communication:
Budi Hartono (LC Unhalu)
National Operational Office:
Sekertariat Bersama Kav. 18 Universitas Brawijaya Jl. MT. Haryono 161 Malang 65145 East Java-Indonesia
Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010
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